Those Responsible for Climate Change
When people in the U.S. say that they will not do anything about climate change unless other major polluters like China do something about it, their view is short sided. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is compiling evidence on the impacts of and pathways to 1.5°C global warming, the aspirational limit in the Paris Agreement. The recent request for comments by the IPCC’s update on the draft summary for policymakers states:
“The impacts on equity of climate change depend upon the conditions under which limiting global warming to 1.5 °C and adapting to 1.5 °C can be achieved. There are three key inequalities related to equity impacts: in the contributions to the problem; in impacts and vulnerability, such that the worst impacts may fall on those that are least responsible for the problem, including future generations; and in the power to implement solutions and response strategies.”
We should all take up actions to reduce the effects of climate change.
For the whole summary in review: