Advocating to reduce the effects of climate change by integrating renewables and maintaining a reliable and resilient grid are at the front lines of our organization. Discover more about current research below and get in touch to stay up to date regarding current climate change and grid efforts.
Avangrid Renewables Tule Wind Farm Demonstration of Capability to Provide Essential Grid Services
CAISO, Avangrid Renewables, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and General Electric (GE) conducted several tests to demonstrate that a large utility-scale wind power plant (WPP) can provide important ancillary services to the electric grid. The results demonstrate that wind resources have the capabilities to help accelerate the shift toward a future electric grid with high levels of renewable generation.
Avangrid Renewables Tule Wind Farm Demonstration of Capability to Provide Essential Grid Services
CAISO, Avangrid Renewables, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and General Electric (GE) conducted several tests to demonstrate that a large utility-scale wind power plant (WPP) can provide important ancillary services to the electric grid. The results demonstrate that wind resources have the capabilities to help accelerate the shift toward a future electric grid with high levels of renewable generation.
Using Renewables to Operate a Low-Carbon Grid
CAISO, First Solar, and NREL conducted a demonstration project on a large utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) plant in the CAISO’s balancing area that showed how the development of advanced power controls can leverage PV’s value from being simply an intermittent energy resource to providing services that range from spinning reserves, load following, voltage support, ramping, frequency response, variability smoothing and frequency regulation to power quality.
Building Electric Transmission Lines: A Review of Recent Transmission Projects
DOE and LBL reviewed factors that affect the development of transmission projects which include: (1) issuance of a CPCN by state authorities; (2) routing, siting, and permitting of a transmission line (often involving preparation of an EIS by a federal or state agency; (3) public and stakeholder sentiment and involvement, especially in the form of organized action; and (4) economic or commercial factors that affect the need and/or financial viability of projects, which underlie and are affected by all three of the preceding factors.
Impacts of Wind Turbine Technology on the System Value of Wind in Europe
Ea Energy Analyses and Danish Energy Agency analyze the impact of different land-based wind turbine designs on grid integration and related system value and cost. The report studies three different scenarios for the future deployment of land-based wind turbines, with increasing hub heights and decreasing specific power (SP) ratings: BAU, Likely, and Ambitious. Findings suggest that wind turbines with taller towers and larger rotors have higher market value and the tradeoffs between cost and value are required to assess optimal turbine choice.
Avangrid Renewables Tule Wind Farm Demonstration of Capability to Provide Essential Grid Services
CAISO, Avangrid Renewables, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and General Electric (GE) conducted several tests to demonstrate that a large utility-scale wind power plant (WPP) can provide important ancillary services to the electric grid. The results demonstrate that wind resources have the capabilities to help accelerate the shift toward a future electric grid with high levels of renewable generation.
Impacts of Variable Renewable Energy on Bulk Power System Assets, Pricing, and Costs
LBL synthesizes available literature, data, and analysis on the degree to which growth in variable renewable energy (VRE) has impacted to date or might in the future impact bulk power system assets, pricing, and costs. Findings conclude: (1) VRE Is Already Impacting the Bulk Power Market; (2) VRE Impacts on Average Wholesale Prices Have Been Modest; (3) VRE Impacts on Power Plant Retirements Have So Far Been Limited; (4) VRE Impacts on the Bulk Power Market will Grow with Penetration; (5) The ’System Value’ of VRE will Decline with Penetration; (6) Power System Flexibility Can Reduce the Rate of VRE Value Decline.
The Fifth National Climate Assessment
The Fifth National Climate Assessment is the US Government’s preeminent report on climate change impacts, risks, and responses. It is a congressionally mandated interagency effort that provides the scientific foundation to support informed decision-making across the United States.
NOAA has modeled future scenarios of global mean sea level (GMSL) rise. NOAA concluded that in the scenario projections of relative sea level along the contiguous U.S. (CONUS) coastline are about 0.6–2.2 m in 2100 and 0.8–3.9 m in 2150 (relative to sea level in 2000)
EPA Menu of Control Measures
The Menu of Control Measures (MCM), complied by the State and Local Programs Group within U.S. EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was developed to provide information useful in the development of local emission reduction and NAAQS SIP scenarios, and identifying and evaluating potential control measures. Hence, here is a list of control measures for point, nonpoint, and mobile sources for different NAAQS pollutants.
State and Trends of Carbon Pricing
The World Bank Group’s 2021 edition of the State and Trends of Carbon Pricing targets the stakeholders engaged in carbon pricing design and implementation. The report provides an up-to-date overview of existing and emerging carbon pricing initiatives around the world, including national and subnational initiatives. Furthermore, it gives an overview of current corporate carbon pricing initiatives.
Integrated Demand Side Management
Most utility and 3rd party administrator programs currently identify with the concept of integrated demand side management (IDSM), but only integrate two DSM measures, namely energy efficiency (EE) and demand response (DR). IDSM on the other hand is the integration/coordination of the delivery for three or more of: (1) Energy Efficiency, (2) Demand Response, (3) Distributed Generation, (4) Storage, (5) Electric Vehicles, and 6) Time-Based Rate programs for residential and commercial electric utility customers. The paper further studies the categories of regulatory and program administrator/implementer IDSM drivers, barriers, and opportunities for electric utilities and their customers by examining survey results from eleven staff from eight utility and third-party program administrators.
BMW i ChargeForward: PG&E’s Electric Vehicle Smart Charging Pilot
The BMW i ChargeForward Project successfully tested the feasibility of using managed electric vehicle (EV) charging as a flexible grid resource. For each Demand Response event, BMW provided PG&E with 100kW of grid resources by delaying charging for approximately 100 BMW i3 vehicles in the San Francisco Bay Area and drawing from a BMW Group 2nd life stationary battery system built from reused EV batteries, for a duration of one hour.
Shared Automated Electric Vehicles
Shared automated electric vehicles (SAEVs) hold great promise for improving transportation access in urban centers while drastically reducing transportation-related energy consumption and air pollution. Using taxi-trip data from New York City, we develop an agent-based model to predict the battery range, cost, environmental impact and charging infrastructure requirements of a fleet of SAEVs operating on Manhattan Island. We estimate that costs will be lowest with a battery range of 50−90 mi, with either 66 chargers per square mile, rated at 11 kW or 44 chargers per square mile, rated at 22 kW.
Climate and Security Resources:Â U.S. Government, Defense
CCS envisions a climate-resilient world which recognizes that climate threats to security are significant and unprecedented, and acts to address those threats in a manner that is commensurate to their scale, consequence and probability. This page includes a list of resources on the nexus of climate change and security by the U.S. Government, Defense.
Consumer Notice
Consumer Notice is a consumer advocacy organization dedicated to providing reliable health and safety information and empowering consumers to assert their legal rights. Our team works alongside consumer advocates and legal experts to educate the public on harmful products, drugs and medical devices, digital security, environmental hazards and personal injuries caused by corporate and individual negligence.